HJC SPORTS tähendab hetke, enese taasleidmist, hüpet kunstlikest põgenemiseks ja enese taastumiseks, enese aktsepteerimiseks, tasakaaluks ja rahuks ning harmooniliseks voolamiseks kõigega, mis meid ümbritseb.

Hetkel oleme teadlikud oma enesetundest kohalolus ja spontaansetes hetkedes. Elu väärtus ei peitu ähmases, mõttetuses, korduste tsüklites; elu väärtus saab alguse hinge teadvustamisest hetkes. Kui olete tõeliselt teadlik oma tunnetest hetkes, tunnustavalt, siis olete tõeliselt elus.


HJC on arendanud ja tootnud kiivreid alates 1971. aastast.

HJC on mootorrattakiivrite valdkonnas kõrgelt hinnatud ja tunnustatud kiivrite tootmise pika ajaloo eest, mis hõlmab kõrgetasemelist materjalikonstruktsiooni, tugevust ja kergeid omadusi. Oleme juba üle 45 aasta pühendunud tipptasemele ja kiivritehnoloogia arengule ning on omandanud esmaklassiliste kiivrite valmistamise kunsti. Kiivrite kaubamärki turustatakse üle 65 riigis üle kogu maailma, kusjuures erinevad kiivrikategooriad esindavad 20% Euroopa mootorratta kiivriturust.


Oma enda tuuletunnelilaboris tehtud testid ja Moto GP tippratturite otsene tagasiside on võimaldanud meil parandada kiivrite sobivust ja aerodünaamikat. Rakendatud Venturi dünaamika vähendab oluliselt õhutakistuse jõudu suurel kiirusel ja tasakaalustab õhutakistuse jõudu koos heitgaaside ventilatsiooniga.

Oleme tugevalt seotud MotoGP võidusõitudega, olles viimastel aastatel mitmete suuremate võistluste, 2016. aasta Tšehhi Vabariigi Grand Prix ning 2017. ja 2018. aasta Prantsusmaa Grand Prix tiitlisponsor. Oleme esimene kiivritootja, kes on MotoGP kalendrisündmuse tiitlisponsor. Varasemad HJC Grand Prix võistlused on olnud väga edukad ja soovime jätkata mootorratta võidusõidu kõrgeima taseme toetamist, laiendades samal ajal oma ülemaailmset kohalolekut, mistõttu võeti vastu otsus viia oma toetus Saksamaale Sachsenringile.

Kuna HJC on juba üle 20 aasta olnud maailma suurim kiivritootja, on tal pärand, mida hoida. HJC investeerib palju disaini ja arendusse erinevates kategooriates, tehes koostööd ülemaailmsete partnerite ja arenenud tehnoloogiatega. HJC kavatseb arendada ja toota järgmise taseme jalgrattakiivreid, tehes strateegilisi valikuid uute ehitusmeetodite loomisel ja kasutuselevõtmisel.


50 aastat on HJC teinud tihedat koostööd maailma parimate sportlastega. Oleme uhked, et saame alates 2021. aastast varustada AG2R CITROEN TEAMi ja olla selle ambitsioonika projekti lahutamatu osa, liitudes tugeva ja ajaloolise struktuuriga, mida juhivad väärtused, mida me jagame ja mis meid igapäevaselt juhivad.

Showing all 9 results


    The ADWATT 1.5 is the perfect triathlon helmet with the perfect compromise between aerodynamics, ventilation and comfort.

    Based on advanced tests and technology, and improving its traction on the road, a high performance helmet was developed just for extra long riding sessions.

    Using the HJC ADWATT time trial helmet, Victor Campenaerts and LOTTO SOUDAL UCI World Tour team beat the UCI Hour Trial record in April 2019!

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-63cm / 22.8-24.8″

    260g (±10) helmet only
    320g (±10) with visor

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    309.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    ADWATT is an exceptional stand-alone helmet whose performance has been tested in advanced wind tunnel tests using innovative technology.

    Capable, stylish and ready for any challenge.

    Using the HJC Adwatt separate helmet, Victor Campenaerts and the LOTTO SOUDAL UCI World Tour team beat the UCI Hour Record in April 2019!

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-63cm / 22.8-24.8″

    260g (±10) helmet only
    320g (±10) with visor

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    309.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The IBEX 2.0 is an ultralight and comfortable helmet developed in HJC’s own wind tunnel laboratory, designed for optimal ventilation. Its unique shape improves aerodynamics and allows for faster heat removal.

    Thanks to its impressive and well-balanced design, the helmet is perfect for intense effort and hot weather conditions.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-61cm / 22.8-24″

    WEIGHT 200g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    249.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Furion 2.0 is considered an uncompromising design masterpiece, as it combines remarkable aerodynamics with efficient ventilation.

    Thanks to HJC’s experience in the MotoGP racing helmet concept, FURION’s aerodynamic, innovative and simple design enhances its performance and airflow for optimal air penetration and air cooling.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-61cm / 22.8-24″

    Weight 200g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    199.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    BELLUS is the HJC brand newest helmet, which combines HJC’s latest technology and trendy design.

    In addition to efficient aerodynamics and application of maximum performance, BELLUS is the first model to adapt HJC’s SLID (Sliding Layer Impact Distribution) technology to minimize the impact of rotation on the brain upon impact.

    Thanks to the excellent combination of design and technology, it is suitable even for the most demanding rider.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-61 cm / 22.8-24″

    Weight 225 g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    179.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    VALECO is a modern, aerodynamic and perfectly ventilated helmet that weighs only about 30 gr more than the HJC Ibex. The helmet’s 12 vents keep your head cool in any situation, from spring classics to hot ascents on summer Alpine mountain roads.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-61cm / 22.8-24″

    Weight 220g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    149.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    ATARA is a combination of the technical development of HJC’s top models such as IBEX 2.0 and Furion 2.0.
    The perfect helmet for everyday use: aerodynamic, light and safe.

    ATARA is extremely comfortable and very easy to adjust according to head size.
    In addition, a wide range of colors and a stylish design make this a great helmet.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21.6-23.2″
    L 58-61cm / 22.8-24″

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    89.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    CALIDO is a great city helmet with a classic design and different color schemes.

    Thanks to its light weight and optimal fit, CALIDO is extremely comfortable and safe for moving around in city life. Calido acts as a breath of fresh air in colorful and fast-paced city traffic.

    CALIDO has been created using HJC’s best know-how and technology to perfectly suit different riding styles in a fast-changing environment.

    S 51-56cm / 20-22″
    M 55-59cm / 21,6-23,2″
    L 58-63 cm / 22,8-24.8″

    Weight      280 g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days.

    79.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Children’s helmet GLEO focuses on the safety and comfort of children.

    The development of the helmet was based on a huge database gathered from the development of motorcycle, road and city bike helmets.’

    An adjustable hole at the top of the helmet allows users to attach a variety of accessories that kids will love.

    The internal padding ensures excellent comfort, and the magnetic buckle allows the user to remove the helmet very quickly and easily.

    The appearance of the GLEO helmet is stylish and eye-catching, especially when worn by children.

    Size            S 49-55cm / 19.3-21.7″

    Weight     230g (±10)

    Delivery time 7-14 days

    79.99  This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page